Compare energy plans to find the right one for you!
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Picturelink updated 12/27/15
Click on the CenterPoint Energy image to be directed to their website.   Report a streetlight outage and make your street safer. A well lit street detours criminal activity!  The easiest way to report a faulty street light is to write down the 6-digit number located on the street light or identify it on CenterPoint's website, enter it and provide

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  • Conheça o jogo: Antes de começar a jogar, é importante entender as regras e as probabilidades de cada jogo. Isso lhe ajudará a tomar decisões informadas e a minimizar suas perdas.
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  • Seja consistente: Encontre um jogo ou esporte que você goste e seja consistente. A prática e a experiência são essenciais para se tornar um jogador habilidoso.
  • Não se deixe levar pelas emoções: Os jogos de azar podem ser voláteis e é fácil deixar-se levar pelas emoções. Mantenha a calma e tome decisões informadas e estratégicas.
  • Saber quando parar: Seja honesto consigo mesmo e saiba quando parar. Se você está tendo uma má sequência ou simplesmente não se divertindo mais, é hora de se levantar e ir embora.

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The world of online gambling can be exciting and even profitable, but it's important to be responsible and strategic when playing. Here are seven tips to help you maximize your chances of winning on My88 Bet.

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  • Manage your budget: Set a weekly or monthly budget and stick to it. Never gamble with money you can't afford to lose.
  • Avoid sleep deprivation: Gambling can be tempting, but it's important to have self-control and know when to stop. Don't let gambling interfere with your sleep or daily routine.
  • Take advantage of bonuses: Many gambling sites offer welcome bonuses and regular promotions. Make sure to read the terms and conditions before claiming them, to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
  • Be consistent: Find a game or sport you like and stick to it. Practice and experience are essential to becoming a skilled player.
  • Don't let emotions take over: Gambling can be volatile and it's easy to get carried away by emotions. Stay calm and make informed and strategic decisions.
  • Know when to stop: Be honest with yourself and know when to stop. If you're having a bad streak or simply not having fun anymore, it's time to get up and leave.

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Le monde des jeux d'argent en ligne peut être excitant et même lucratif, mais il est important d'être responsable et stratégique lorsque vous jouez. Voici sept conseils pour vous aider à maximiser vos chances de gagner sur My88 Bet.

  • Connaissez le jeu : Avant de commencer à jouer, il est important de comprendre les règles et les probabilités de chaque jeu. Cela vous aidera à prendre des décisions éclairées et à minimiser vos pertes.
  • Gérez votre budget : Définissez un budget hebdomadaire ou mensuel et respectez-le. Ne jouez jamais d'argent que vous ne pouvez vous permettre de perdre.
  • Évitez la privation de sommeil : Les jeux d'argent peuvent être tentants, mais il est important d'avoir un contrôle de soi et de savoir quand s'arrêter. Ne laissez pas les jeux d'argent perturber votre sommeil ou votre routine quotidienne.
  • Profitez des bonus : De nombreux sites de jeux d'argent offrent des bonus de bienvenue et des promotions régulières. Assurez-vous de lire les conditions générales avant de les réclamer, pour éviter toute mauvaise surprise.
  • Soyez cohérent : Trouvez un jeu ou un sport qui vous plaît et soyez-en cohérent. La pratique et l'expérience sont essentielles pour devenir un joueur habile.
  • Ne vous laissez pas submerger par vos émotions : Les jeux d'argent peuvent être volatils et il est facile de se laisser submerger par ses émotions. Restez calme et prenez des décisions éclairées et stratégiques.
  • Sachez quand vous arrêter : Soyez honnête envers vous-même et sachez quand vous arrêter. Si vous avez une mauvaise série ou si vous ne vous amusez plus, il est temps de vous lever et de partir.

Avec ces conseils en tête, vous êtes sur la bonne voie pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre expérience de jeux d'argent en ligne sur My88 Bet. Bonne chance et n'oubliez pas de jouer de manière responsable !

Note : Les trois textes ci-dessus ont le même contenu, mais ils sont traduits dans trois langues différentes : l'anglais, l'espagnol et le portugais.your personal contact information. Follow the instructions on this link. You will not be charged for reporting street light outages.  Report power outages inside your home or power lines that are down.  If you see tree branches that are too close to power lines or other dangerous conditions please call and report them.  For Customer Service call 713-207-2222 or toll free 800-332-7143 

What if I smell gas? Leave immediately, call 911,  report to CenterPoint Energy at 713-659-2111 or 888-876-5786.  Go to their website to view more about gas safety.



What do I do if I see someone dumping into a storm drain?
  • Call 3-1-1 the Anonymous City of Houston Neighborhood Protection Complaint line. 
  • Call the City of Houston Environmental Health Info line and Industrial Discharges at 713-640-4399.  
  • Call Harris County Pollution Control Services Department at 713-920-2831.  

If you see lawn maintenance crews blowing grass clipping into storm sewers please call, our neighborhoods need clean free-flowing storm sewers at all times.  Our last flooding demonstrates the importance of keeping storm drains free of debris.  Check out the Harris County Pollution Control Services website.  


Visit the Harris County Sheriff's Office website by clicking on the badge.  In the case of any emergency call 911.  If you need to report a non-emergency please call 713-221-6000. Do not be afraid to call the police. They will not come to your home if you call about a disturbance regarding your neighbor.  The call is confidential and the police will NOT approach the caller's home unless you specifically ask them to do so.

O assunto a ser discutido neste artigo é sobre apoiar um time ou um jogador com uma quantia específica de ⚾️ dinheiro, no valor de 1000 unidades da moeda local, antes de um evento esportivo, conhecido como "bet 1000".

No mundo dos ⚾️ esportes, é comum que os fãs sintam-se entusiasmados em demonstrar seu apoio a um time ou jogador específico. Uma forma ⚾️ comum de fazer isso é por meio de apostas, onde eles "bet 1000" ou outra quantia de dinheiro, esperando que ⚾️ isso traga sorte e vitórias a seu time ou jogador favorito. No entanto, é importante lembrar que as apostas esportivas ⚾️ podem ser uma atividade arriscada e exigem uma análise cuidadosa e consideração antes de se envolver.

Além disso, é essencial manter ⚾️ a integridade e o jogo justo em mente, especialmente quando grandes quantias de dinheiro estão envolvidas. O "bet 1000" deve ⚾️ ser visto como uma forma de mostrar apoio e entusiasmo, em vez de uma garantia de resultados específicos. Dessa forma, ⚾️ o espírito esportivo é mantido e as experiências positivas são garantidas para todos os envolvidos.

Em resumo, o "bet 1000" pode ⚾️ ser uma forma emocionante e envolvendo de mostrar apoio a um time ou jogador favorito. No entanto, é importante lembrar ⚾️ de ser responsável e ético ao fazê-lo, a fim de manter a integridade do esporte e garantir experiências positivas para ⚾️ todos.

Get the latest news and updates, file a police report, learn about public programs like iWatch and much more. Our deputy receives notifications from the CLOSEWATCH application used by residents and investigates these matters in a timely manner.  Remember, CLOSEWATCH is a Harris County Sheriff's Office application. Help keep our neighborhoods safe.  Visit HCSO!

Going out of town? Let the Harris County Sheriff’s Office know and we’ll make sure our deputies keep an eye on your home.   

Click on the Vacation Watch image to obtain a DIRECT link to the online Vacation Watch Form, then fill out and submit your information (online submission). If you choose to leave your email address and contact information on the comments box then this allows the HCSO the ability to confirm your request.  Make sure you click SUBMIT.

Storefronts are open to the public Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding Holidays) 
Substations are open to the public Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding Holidays)

HCSO deputies will then periodically drive by your

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Para aqueles que estão iniciando no mundo das apostas esportivas, o BetWorld oferece um guia completo com dicas e estratégias para aumentar as chances de sucesso.

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home to make sure there are no cars in the driveway that shouldn’t be there and that no one is at your home that shouldn’t be there.  Should any of our deputies discover something suspicious they will contact you with the phone numbers you provide. This is just another way the HCSO is looking out for you.  

​Contact you nearest substation of storefront for a working fax number as they may change.

                                                          Clay Road Substation                                                             Franz Road Storefront
                                                          16715 Clay Rd.                                                                          19818 Franz Road
                                                          Houston, TX 77084                                                                Katy, TX 77449
                                                          281-463-2648                                                                          281-647-9371

Crime Stoppers of Houston is Houston's leading public safety non-profit organization dedicated to keeping you safe where you live, learn, work, and play.  Through its famed anonymous tip line 713-222-TIPS, Crime Stoppers of Houston has solved over 30,000 crimes,

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 arrested over 25,000 felony fugitives and paid over $10,000,000 in cash rewards.  Known world over as a leader in crime prevention, Crime Stoppers of Houston invests in the tools, programs and technologies to prevent crime before it occurs!   Click on the Crime Stoppers icon to be directed to their website.


Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services (HCPHES ) investigates complaints that may violate the Texas Neighborhood Nuisance Abatement Act, a law intended to eliminate public nuisances in unincorporated areas of Texas.  The Sheriff's Office handles these types of issues.  Examples of neighborhood nuisances include abandoned vehicles (section 683.002), accumulated rubbish,  junked vehicles (section 683.071), standing water, conditions that harbor insects and rodents, abandoned swimming pools, dilapidated/abandoned houses, high weeds, gang activity/drug activity and others can be found in the Texas Constitution and Statutes webpage (section 343.011). Following an investigation that results in

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a nuisance notification, a property owner or occupant has a set time to eliminate the nuisance.  Failure to comply can result in civil action or criminal prosecution.  If you have a problematic neighbor with similar long term trash


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buildup, junk cars, etc. please report it. It is unsightly, against the law, and depreciates property values.  Reporting such issues are not limited to homeowners. Any resident of their neighborhood can fill out an online Neighborhood Nuisance Complaint Intake Form.  Currently we are unaware of a printable version that can be mailed in. 

 If you have questions or complaints handled by the  Environmental Health Division please call 713-274-6300. Read about frequently asked questions on their website by clicking on the following link at HCPHES FAQ's.

Report Graffiti !
The HCSO Graffiti Abatement Program team is here to serve our neighborhoods!  If you know of any graffiti in either Westlake or Westlake Forest please report it.  Here are your tax dollars at work! For more information, please contact the HCSO’s Inmate Community Work Program at:  Phone (713-759-9454 or Fax your inquiry to 713-755-2298 .  Take advantage of this free service!  REPORT Graffiti to City of Houston - Call 311 or visit
Call 811 before you dig! Click on the 811 image to be directed to their website.

Call 811 from anywhere in the country a few days prior to digging, and your call will be routed to your local One Call Center. Tell the operator where you're planning to dig, what type of work you will be doing and your affected local utilities companies will be notified about your intent to dig. In a few days, they'll send a locator to mark the approximate location of your underground lines, pipes and cables, so you'll know what's below and be able to dig safely.


Click on the Poison Help image to be directed to the Texas Poison Center Network website.  Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.If you think someone

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has been poisoned, call us at 1-800-222-1222 right away. Do not wait for the victim to look or feel sick. Do not try to treat the person yourself.

Click on the Pet Poison Helpline image to be directed to their website.
Did your dog or cat just eat something poisonous? Call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately. The sooner a dog poisoning or cat poisoning is diagnosed, the easierless expensive, and safer it is to treat your pet.

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Click on the Harris County of Texas image to be directed to their website.  Information about your property taxes, voter registration, social services, county parks, area attractions, online services and much more can be found on their website. 

Westlake & Westlake Forest residents are served by Precinct 4!

Harris County - (713) 755-5000 
                                               1001 Preston, Houston, Texas 77002

Click on the icon to be directed to the Harris County Appraisal District.  If you have filed a protest on your property value, you may be scheduled for a meeting with an appraiser or you could be scheduled for a hearing with the Appraisal District Review Board. Here's a look at what to expect.

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